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ØNH 028 MK-7902-009 Pembrolizumab/lenvatininib po

URL: https://kurbibliotek.metodebok.no/emne/9fhgUynD  
 14.03.2025Versjon 1.0



A Phase 2, randomized, open-label three-arm clinical study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of lenvatinib (E7080/MK-7902) in combination with pembrolizumab (MK-3475) versus standard of care chemotherapy and lenvatinib monotherapy in participants with recurrent/metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (R/M HNSCC) that have progressed after platinum therapy and immunotherapy (PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors) (LEAP-009)

• Studienavn: MK-7902-009-04
• Hovedutprøver: Åse Bratland BRT@ous-hf.no
• Oslo universitetssykehus





Residiverende eller metastatisk plateepitelkarsinom i hode-/hals regionen med progresjon etter platinumterapi og immunterapi








Arm 1:




100ml NaCl 9 mg/ml

30 min


Arm 1:

Δ Lenvatinib *)

20 mg



Én gang daglig


Arm 3:

Δ Lenvatinib monoterapi *)

24 mg



Én gang daglig



Kurintervall: 21 dager

*) Lenvatinib ordineres i MetaVision eller via resept.

Lenvatinib finnes som kapsler à 20 mg og 4 mg.

Blodprøver / kurkriterier

Omfattende, se studieprotokoll.


Spesielle forholdsregler

  • Det må benyttes infusjonssett med 0,2 µm filter ved infusjon av pembrolizumab

  • Mål puls og BT før start, og etter 30 min ved 1. og 2. kur

  • Lenvatinib kapslene svelges hele, med vann, men kan tas både med eller uten mat.
  • Ved planlagte mindre kirurgiske inngrep (inkl. biopsier), stopp lenvatinib 2 døgn forut. Ved større inngrep anbefales opphold 1 uke forut, og minst 1 uke etter inngrepet.


Se protokoll


  • Ingen dosejustering av pembrolizumab.
  • For lenvatinib, fra protokoll:

Dose Modifications for Lenvatinib Treatment-Related Toxicity

Treatment-Related Toxicitya,b


Dose Adjustment

Grade 1 or Tolerable Grade 2

Continue treatment

No change

Intolerable Grade 2c,d and Grade 3g

First occurrence

Interrupt lenvatinib until resolved to Grade 0-1, or tolerable Grade 2

Arm 3: Reduce lenvatinib dose to 20 mg once a day (1-level reduction)

Arm 1: Reduce lenvatinib dose to 14 mg once a day (1-level reduction)

Second occurrence
(same toxicity or new toxicity)

Interrupt lenvatinib until resolved to Grade 0-1, or tolerable Grade 2

Arm 3: Reduce lenvatinib dose to 14 mg once a day (1-level reduction)

Arm 1: Reduce lenvatinib dose to 10 mg once a day (1-level reduction)

Third occurrence
(same toxicity or new toxicity)

Interrupt lenvatinib until resolved to Grade 0-1, or tolerable Grade 2

Arm 3: Reduce lenvatinib dose to 10 mg once a day (1-level reduction)

Arm 1: Reduce lenvatinib dose to 8 mg once a day (1-level reduction)

Fourth occurrence
(same toxicity or new toxicity)

Interrupt lenvatinib

Discuss with sponsor

Grade 4e,g: Discontinue study treatment

a. An interruption of study treatment for more than 28 days will require Sponsor approval before treatment can be resumed.

b. Initiate optimal medical management for nausea, vomiting, hypertension, hypothyroidism and/or diarrhea prior to any lenvatinib interruption or dose reduction.

c. Applicable only to Grade 2 toxicities judged by the participant and/or physician to be intolerable.

d. Obese participants (BMI ≥30) with weight loss do not need to return to their baseline weight or within 10% of their baseline weight (ie, Grade 1 weight loss). These participants may restart study intervention at a lower dose once their weight remains stable for at least 1 week and they have a minimum BMI of 25. The new stable weight should be used as the new baseline for further dose reductions.

e. For asymptomatic laboratory abnormalities, such as Grade ≥3 elevations of amylase and lipase that are not considered clinically relevant by the investigator, continuation of treatment should be discussed with Sponsor.

f. Excluding laboratory abnormalities judged to be non-life-threatening, in which case manage as Grade 3.

g. For Grade 3 thromboembolic event, permanently discontinue lenvatinib. See Section


Lenvatinib metaboliseres i lever, og skilles i hovedsak ut til avføring (67 %), noe til urin (25 %) hvor minimalt er uomdannet (2,5 %).

Pembrolizumab metaboliseres til aminosyrer.

Δ Cytostatika og andre kreftlegemidler - utskillelse og håndtering av urin og avføring


Pembrolizumab oppfattes ikke-vevstoksisk. Cytostatika - tiltak ved ekstravasasjon


Pembrolizumab: Diare, tungpustethet (pneumonitt), hudutslett, fatigue, leversvikt, endokrine påvirkninger.

Lenvatinib: Beinmargsdepresjon, hypothyreose, diare, mage/tarmsymptomer, palmoplantar erytrodysestesisyndrom, blødninger, hypo/hypertensjon, utslett, hoste, muskel/leddsmerter, fatigue. Se også felleskatalogen.

Allergiske reaksjoner (infusjonsreaksjoner) ved medikamentell kreftbehandling